The Importance Of Nutrition For Your Overall Physical And Mental Health


Efficient proof is very clear about this: we can absolutely control our own health through the things we every day eat.

1. Carbohydrates - this is the number one energy basis of the body. Our liver and the muscles of our body need a enough intake of carbohydrates in sort to maintain good health. You can get two major types of carbohydrates ( or carbs as some people prefer to call them):


- Simple carbohydrates, which are mainly of a sweet nature (eg. fructose, sucrose, glucose, etc) and


- Complex carbohydrates, which are based on starch (and can be found in corn, brown rice, wheat, etc).


2. Fat - must be taken in the required amount in order for it to temperate the metabolism and protect essential organs. Too much fat in your daily diet has the opposed effect however. The two major fats are


- Cholesterol : you can get cholesterol from seafood, eggs, dairy products and meat.


- Triglycerides: saturated, poly-saturated and mono-saturated fats, they have an influence on your weight and heart function.


3. Protein - lacking protein the body cannot grow or repair itself. The unnecessary amino-acids are pretend by the body itself (hence the term non-essential, the body can provide its own) while the essential amino-acids would have to be introduce into the body by unbearable the right foods.


4. Water - the body desires a lot of water: at slightest eight glasses every day. This amount helps the body to drive out toxin, fight lack of moisture, prevent heat stroke, modest body temperature, digestion and so many other functions.

The right sorts of wall balanced nutrition contribute directly to the health of individuals and community. Clinical research as well as evidence collected through laboratory tests and field work supports the importance of concept to the practice of medical medicine, dentistry, and public health.



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