Health and Fitness Addiction's feasible! The word "addiction" give us images of people in dark rooms, listening to bad music and sticking needles in their arms, but many addicts can be found in the gym or on the local school track, receiving just as addictive a fix. In fact, the positive nature of the word "healthy" makes health and fitness habit all the more interesting. How Can Something So Good Be Bad? In our modern Western culture, those ready to pay the price for fitness are to be commended. There are just so many temptations to do otherwise. Exercise is mostly boring, painful and smelly, so those who suffer it for about an hour, 3-5 days a week, have achieved a level of discipline most only dream of. Health and fitness addiction is not about health or's about a force to use healthy activities to fill a canceled we see in ourselves. Addicts are forced, not restricted. Types of Health And Fitness Addiction: These are addictions to the activities of health and fitness, as different to the TV, Internet and shopping addictions which could involve health theme. Health and fitness addictions are compulsion to hold in "healthy" activities, like exercise, dieting, etc. In fact, anorexia and bulimia nervosa have both been described as strict health and fitness addictions How Do I Know I'm Addicted? We addicts don't often know addiction because a common sign of addiction is denial, which is even easier to have about fitness That's why it's easier to find out from a friend or loved one if you have a problem in this area. 1. Do you frequently spend more than 8 hours a week exercise and is the time you waste rising? 2. Does your exercise list get in the way with normal family activities, home or work everyday jobs? 3. Do friends or family members protest about the time or money you waste on health? 4. Have you wonder if you're being too usual about your force program? 5. Have you lied to your family, friends, or employer about the time you expend in fitness activities? 6. Do you regularly see fitness as a way to add reception or praise from others? 7. Have you ever short of so hard in your fitness program you harm yourself?


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